A picture to explain the virtual pixel technology
We have made several tech pages introducing the virtual pixel technology of led display screen. But indeed we are not quite sure if the browsers could learn the idea completely because of the languages. For the tech people, it is easy to understand the basic idea, but for the people who are not technical, they may think it's too complicated. So we hope with using this page, we could at least let you know the essential of the virtual pixel technology.
Let's begin with the result:
Please refer to the picture as below which is the led display without virtual pixel technology(we can also call it as "real pixel" or "true pixel").
And please refer to the picture as below which is the led display with virtual pixel technology.
What's the difference of the two letters "e"?
Obviously the second letter "e" seems more smooth.
Let's begin with the result:
Please refer to the picture as below which is the led display without virtual pixel technology(we can also call it as "real pixel" or "true pixel").
And please refer to the picture as below which is the led display with virtual pixel technology.
What's the difference of the two letters "e"?
Obviously the second letter "e" seems more smooth.
So why is this letter "e" better looking?
We can understand it in this way. In fact the system has processed four letters "e" which are all similar with the first letter "e".
And the led display control system has "overlapped" all the fours letters, and in this way, there's no evident "edges" of the new letter.
And to process the images and videos, it's in a similar way.
We can understand it in this way. In fact the system has processed four letters "e" which are all similar with the first letter "e".
And the led display control system has "overlapped" all the fours letters, and in this way, there's no evident "edges" of the new letter.
And to process the images and videos, it's in a similar way.
As a conclusion, to use the virtual pixel technology, one pixel must have 4 leds - 2 red, 1 green, 1 blue; in addition, all the distances between each led must be exactly the same.
But that doesn't mean as long as the led displays with above features, it is virtual pixel led display. The reason is to process the virtual pixel technology, the driving IC adopted would be much more.
But that doesn't mean as long as the led displays with above features, it is virtual pixel led display. The reason is to process the virtual pixel technology, the driving IC adopted would be much more.
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