Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How to use air conditioning for the led display screen?

As mentioned in last knowledge article, sometimes it's better to install the air conditioning to led display screen, though it's not much.
How to use air conditioning to led display screen?

Basically under the below installation environment, we would suggest the air conditioning:
1. The area with long period and extremely hot weather, such as some middle east or the tropical area countries.
2. The air ventilation has problem, in which case the heat couldn't release out.
3. Giant size led display.
Also, if you have enough budget and pay very much attention onto the maintenance of the led display equipment, it's better to consider the air conditioning.
But when you use it, you must consider below:
1. The cooling fans of led display couldn't be cancelled. As mentioned, the risk would be - if the air conditioning have the malfunction, without the cooling fans, it would be a disaster.
2. It's no necessary to keep the air conditioning working all the time. The whole system would be temperature sensed, which means only when the temperature reached a defined value, the air conditioning would work.
Some client may have this question - in my area sometimes the temperature is extremely high, shall we use the air conditioning? The answer is not necessary because when the temperature is extremely high, the air conditioning inside the led display system would help little to cooling. And when under this weather, there's no very good method to cool the system, and we suggest you turn off the system for hours.
But please notice all the suggestion are based on ideal thought to protect the led display system. And in fact, it harms little to keep the system working hours under the extreme weather - anyway in most area, the extreme hot weather is only several days.
At last, we'd say it's hard to say yes or no to air conditioning. So the best way is to describle more about your case, our professional sales engineer will consider and bring out the solution specially for your led display project.


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