Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The top 10 stage design in the world

To see the video 


由PeterMorse 负责灯光设计,Bruce Rodgers执行舞台设计,Carol Dodds 指导视频制作,麦当娜沉溺世界演唱会被安排为4个独特的迷你现场,每个现场都有各自的布置和服装。(当然,麦当娜的衣橱怎少得了Jean Paul Gaultier, Donatella Versace, Dean and Dan Caten of D2,以及 Dolce & Gabbana的出现呢)Oh yeah, 她在欢歌起舞,手中握着吉他——许多东西在飘移,在飞舞,在闪耀光芒。我们敢说,它沉溺了世界,更沉醉了观众。

Daft Punk 现场 (2006-2007)
Daft Punk is playing in myhouse, in my house...” 在06和07年,法国电乐场馆设计技术可谓享誉全球,获得了德国最佳活力电乐/舞蹈专辑奖。如今,或许这次巡演并没有再打破任何记录,没有再赢得过任何奖项。但事实上,曾在几十万观众面前的表演舞台,你却不能否定Martin Phillips 的舞台和灯光设计技术水平竟是如此之高。影像映射金字塔中,从两位艺术家演奏重新流行起来的弹簧铜管,到拟真视频——这场巡演现场实在是非常拥挤。

九寸钉 的Lights InThe Sky (2008)
Leroy Bennett曾设计过许多演出,也推进了舞台设计的艺术性发展,但是《天空中的光》能在此次名单中出现是有其原因的。屏幕布置让人出乎意料,在激光灯下装了有多种分辨率的屏幕——有时出现在乐队之前,有时隐藏在后,甚至也会同时出现。甚至有乐队成员与屏幕“互动”,用手中的电筒照向屏幕并“擦拭”了里面的影像。Bennett 在观众眼皮底下创造性的发挥,在舞台下垂直布置的马田专业MAC300LED灯光设备,编程让灯光自身运动作为舞台效果展现(想像一下:灯光组成的波浪)。Cory FitzGerald主要负责灯光编程,Sean Cagney负责巡演视频制作。

U2: 360 巡回演唱会 (2009-2011)
U2 的360巡回演唱会是如此的具有开创性,我们设计了微型在线舞台就是为了覆盖整个现场舞台。从WillieWilliams's 视觉设计, 到Mark Fisher的道具背景设计,Stageco的建造,包括了大型壮观的爪型工具,再到Chuck Hoberman, Buro Happold和Barco难以置信的工程设计,多方位视频画面制造和创新设计,其中融入了浩大的技术含量,全都是为了打造这场盛大的巡回演唱会。如果能亲眼看到此次演唱会,你就会相信奇迹确实存在。这也是创意舞台设计的另一位得主,它在2011年前是非常浩翰的“工程”。

平克·弗洛伊德(英国摇滚乐队) Division Bell (1994)
Division Bell 令人们有种想在灯光领域工作的欲望。型的灯光设备、好莱坞Marc Brickman的碗型灵感舞台设计,以及Mark Fisher的架构意识,这曾是史上最大型的演唱会——足足动用了33辆卡车拖了700吨不锈钢。由于规模庞大,建立了3个相同的平台和组装设备,从场地到场地间的跨越,从装卸到搭建完成共计花了5天半的时间。Division Bell 不朽的现场音乐会得益于借鉴电影《冲动》,而最具创意舞台的得奖是实至名归的

Genesis: Mama(1983-84)
第 81场演唱会Abacab 中其独特的灯光照明技术是非常具有历史意义的,它的特色在于首次使用自动灯光照明,这是Vari-Lite VL1™ 技术的最初形式。Alan Owen的灯光设计融合了大量VL1s设备,布置成饼状桁架——更能体现大胆的色彩和动感的表现力,绝妙的灯光效果,而这也是音乐会照明技术的未来。

David Bowie: GlassSpider (1987)
Bowie的Glass Spider Tour 全球巡演拥有一支强大的设计团队。令人意料的是,因给乐队和舞者配备多层脚手架,用15英尺高的高压充气式支架搭建了直径40英尺的蜘蛛舞台,以及采用了20,000个色彩可变的绳索灯光设备,从而让这次巡演非常有看头。即使Bowie突然从舞台蜘蛛腹部降落到椅子中,或者安排歌手和舞者在雾灯的照耀下从舞台不同角度“飞”到舞台时也丝毫不影响现场效果

滚石乐队:Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle (1989-90)
60、70年代,滚石乐队以每年出一张新专辑的速度在音乐界中蓬勃发展着。在80年代,继续席卷世界,但到了1989年,乐队已7年没巡演了。又是什么令这时代的滚石能如此闪耀舞台的呢?灯光设计师Patrick Woodroffe和布景师Mark Fisher 一直与滚石乐队合作创造了奇迹(或者可以说,Woodroffe, Fisher和滚石乐队一举“拿下了这块大蛋糕”)舞台是由Fisher亲自执行,Charlie Watts,Mick Jagger协助设计的,并且是第一个获得了巡演最佳创意舞台奖的得主。

电光交响乐团ELOThe Big Night/Out of The Blue (1978)
ELO 1978年巡回演唱会的设计灵感,来自一个乐队蓝色专辑封面中的唱片碟材料——大自然中的乙烯基。巡演舞台由灯光点缀的庞大的宇宙飞船模型构成,它将在舞台中飞起,并在一个悬浮点中降落。设计师Stephen Bickford突破性设计观念得益于在船底部装配灯光设备、雾灯以及激光,是1977年备受瞩目的电影《第三类接触》的还原。

传声头像Speakingin Tongues (1984) - 空前的顶级演唱会设计
舞台因由传声头像(美国新浪乐团)负责人David Byrne和灯光设计师Beverly Emmons构思,Speaking In Tongues曾经成为观众至爱的演唱会胶片之一。

2016 LED fair

 Welcome to our booth!
Presenting product list:
Stage Rental LED Display
Small Pixel Pitch LED TV
Flexible Display
Transparent Display

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Your Price is too High!

The most common objection a sales professional hears is also the one that causes the greatest problems: Your Price is too High!
All too often this leads to unnecessary discounting that hurts your revenue and the seller's compensation. Even more dangerous is the precedent it sets of lower prices in the future.
Don't be a pricing wimp! Use my proven 4 step response to pricing objections that will save you from unnecessary discounts and improve your results. 

Right Price. Wrong Assumptions. 

"What do I do when my customer says our price is too high and that they can get what I'm selling for less elsewhere?"
I've been running sales workshops for over fifteen years and without fail, this question comes up in every session. In the most recent case, I had reps from two companies who resell the same product who discovered together at my workshop that their customer had been playing them off each other: each having been told that the other was priced lower!
Pricing objections are never the problem: they are a symptom of a problem.
When a customer balks at your price, they are telling you something important. They point to incorrect assumptions that have been made: either about the value of the product you're selling or, about the sales strategy you're using.
You can overcome pricing objections by implementing the following four-step process.
Step 1: Understand what they are comparing
Make sure you have a clear understanding of what your customer is comparing your product or service to in the marketplace. If it's an apples-to-oranges comparison in the mind of your buyer, then you don't have a pricing problem, you have a product compatibility problem. Go back and take the time to re-examine what your customer values most and then ask yourself whether your features and benefits are in alignment with helping them achieve their goals and objectives.
A few years ago, Apple drew a bit of criticism from industry observers who felt the company was missing out on the netbook market: essentially small, cheap laptop computers. The company resisted, saying that type of product had nothing in common with the market they served. Apple insisted their clients did not want cheap, reduced function computers. Instead, they doubled down on their full service tablet offerings, making it abundantly clear that there was no comparison between these two products and therefore, price (a cheap netbook vs a more expensive tablet for their market). They were right, and the tablet market soared
Step 2: Find the differentiator
When your client understands that the products they are comparing are similar and can meet their needs, you need to find a compelling differentiator for your offer. Here are few strategies that my clients have implemented successfully:
  • Use research-based evidence. Highlight the results of a scientific study that supports the claims you are making about your product.
  • Make better use of references. Leverage the power of word of mouth and client testimonials to make the case for why you are selling the superior product in the market.
  • Highlight experience and expertise. It means something important if you are the more established manufacturer or service provider in your market. Define what that means and why it's important to your customer.
  • Leverage community support. One client of mine who serves a local market makes a point of hosting an annual fundraiser that donates over $150,000 to kids' cancer charities. For some, proof of that kind of commitment to community makes all the difference when making a buying decision.
There are other strategies, too: ease of use, access to services, support for local community, training, depth of consulting and after-sales services. Anything unique that that sets you apart.
Step 3: Offer payment options
What do you do if your client still won't budge--even after you've differentiated your product and have checked how they are comparing it to others in the market? Take a look at how to make it easier for them to pay. Make it easier for them by offering payment options. For example, one of our clients offers split contracts: pay half in the fall and half in the spring. You can also consider offering monthly billing for services agreements, or a scaled-back version of your product or service, in which some of the added value is taken away. This can sometimes result in a boomerang effect, in which the customer recognizes they are not prepared to give up those extras to save a few dollars. Whichever options you choose, do so with the understanding that your decision is meant to boost sales while maintaining profitability. You need both, otherwise you're losing money.
Step 4: Know when to walk
Walk away gracefully! Always live to fight another day. If you can't come to an agreement on price after negotiating, be the first to walk away. Shake hands, thank them for considering you and promise to follow up. Remember: you can't sell to everyone. It's better that you only sell to those that will be happy to do business with you, while being profitable for you.