Thursday, March 24, 2022

sichuan yading

Sichuan Yading National Nature Reserve is located in Shangri-La Town, Daocheng County, southern Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The geographical coordinates are 99°58'-100°28' east longitude, 28°11'-28°34' north latitude, with a total area of 1457.5 square kilometers, and the developed area as of October 2016 is 32.44 square kilometers. 四川亚丁国家级自然保护区,位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州南部稻城县香格里拉镇,地处青藏高原东部,横断山脉中段,南部与云南省香格里拉毗邻,东南连泸沽湖和丽江。地理坐标为东经99度58分-100度28分,北纬28度11分-28度34分,总面积1457.5平方千米,截至2016年10月已开发面积为32.44平方千米 Sìchuān yǎdīng guójiā jí zìrán bǎohù qū, wèiyú sìchuān shěng gānzī zàngzú zìzhìzhōu nánbù dàochéng xiàn xiānggélǐlā zhèn, de chù qīngzàng gāoyuán dōngbù, héngduàn shānmài zhōngduàn, nánbù yǔ yúnnán shěng xiānggélǐlā pílín, dōngnán lián lúgū hú hé lìjiāng. Dìlǐ zuòbiāo wèi dōngjīng 99 dù 58 fēn-100 dù 28 fēn, běiwěi 28 dù 11 fēn-28 dù 34 fēn, zǒng miànjī 1457.5 Píngfāng qiān mǐ, jiézhì 2016 nián 10 yuè yǐ kāifā miànjī wèi 32.44 Píngfāng qiān mǐ

travel in China

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